
Advanced Manufacture Technology Center China Academy Of Machinery Science & Technology
Founded by : -, 1 January 2006
About Advanced Manufacture Technology Center China Academy Of Machinery Science & Technology
CAMTC is the result of restructure of the Machine-BuildingIndustry Research Center of Advanced Manufacturing Technology approved byformer Ministry of Machine-building and State Science and Technology Commissionin 1997. To further enhance the technological innovation, industry incubationand talent pool building of China Academy of Machinery Science & Technology(CAM), CAMTC was thereafter incorporated in 2006.
There are four R&D bodies underCAMTC, including material engineering technology center, equipment manufacturingcenter, Yantai Branch,etc,Gaomi Branch.etc. CAMTC also boasts sufficientsupporting facilities, including state key laboratory of advanced formingtechnology and equipment, state-level demonstration agency for technologytransfer, state-level international cooperation base of science and technology,and innovation platform for precision plastic forming technology and equipmentas well as other innovation organizations and bases.
Currently, CAMTC have 165 staff,withof which 1 is academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering; 1 is mid-youthtechnology expert with outstanding contribution at state level, 6 experts aregranted with governmental special allowance, 2 are elected as “Millions ofNational Engineer Talent in New Century”, 28 are research fellows and seniorengineers, Doctors/masters Instructor10, 72 are doctors or masters,11Distinguished Professor, pitted postdoctoral 5, 40 are master candidates. And anew talent team featuring rational structure and innovation has been built.
CAMTCkeeps track of the frontier domains andconducts research and development and achievement transformation around suchfields as new materials and engineering application technology, advancedforming technology and mechatronics equipment development. The scientific achievements have been widely applied in suchindustries as machinery manufacturing, textile machinery, transportation &transport, information industry, environment protection and energy.
Industry Type
According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, Advanced Manufacture Technology Center China Academy Of Machinery Science & Technology’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
- Sector: Industrials
- Industry group: Capital Goods
- Industry: Machinery
- Sub-Industry: Industrial Machinery & Supplies & Components
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Company Address
8849+JH, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Malacca, Malaysia
Source : Google maps