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Charoen Pokphand Group

Founded by : -, 1 January 1979

More than 5000 employees

About the Company

Chia Tai Group is a well-known multinational company, founded by Thai Chinese family in Bangkok approximately 90 years ago.The Chia Tai Group is also known as the Charoen Pokphand Group, or C. P. Group aboard. The group now has branches in over twenty countries and regions around the world, more than 400 subsidiaries with over 200,000 employees. Chia Tai Group has invested nearly six billion US dollars in China with annual sales volume of nearly 10 billion US dollars. The Chia Tai Group has established over 200 companies employing over 80,000 employees in all provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions of China except Qinghai province and Tibet autonomous region. With agriculture and animal husbandry, food industry, commercial retailing as its core business, Chia Tai Group also engages in pharmacy, motorcycles, real estate, international trade, finance, media and other areas of business.    正大集团是泰籍华人创办的知名跨国企业,在中国以外称作Charoen Pokphand Group(卜蜂集团)。目前,正大集团业务遍及20多个国家和地区,下属400多家公司,员工人数近20万人。 正大集团在中国投资额近60亿美元,设立企业213家,遍及除青海、西藏以外的所有省、市、自治区,员工人数超过80,000人,年销售额超过500亿人民币。经过80多年的发展,正大集团形成了以农牧业、食品业、商业零售业为核心,制药、机车、房地产、国际贸易、金融、传媒等领域共同发展的业务格局。 鉴于正大集团为中国改革开放和经济建设所做的不懈努力,中国各级政府和合作伙伴对正大集团给予了很大的支持,使正大的事业得以在中国广袤的土地上深深扎根,繁荣发展。集团创立了正大饲料、正大食品、大阳摩托、正大综艺等知名品牌,建成了易初摩托车、易初莲花超市、正大康地、正大广场、正大制药集团、正大国际财务公司等一批知名企业。    

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, Charoen Pokphand Group’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: Consumer Staples
  • Industry group: Food, Beverage & Tobacco
  • Industry: Food Products
  • Sub-Industry: Agricultural Products & Services
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Company Address

Lot 4, Lingkaran Sultan Hishamuddin, Kaw. 20, 42000 Pelabuhan Klang, Selangor, Malaysia

Source : Google maps