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Wakomas Chemical Sdn Bhd

Founded by : -, 1 January 1994

Less than 50 employees

About the Company

WAKOMAS Chemical was founded in 1994 as a distributor of petrochemical products. Our success was derived from our differentiated approach towards business relationships. We foster trust and invaluable marketing insights through long-term commitments, which form the core of our innovative marketing solutions to our buyers. Combined with our dynamic and professional team, we have earned a reputation of reliability and efficiency in our Distribution, Supply and Logistics solutions. With over 20 years of service in the industry, WAKOMAS takes pride in our business experience's wealth. Our product portfolio currently includes Petrochemicals and Industrial Chemicals. We also serve a vital role in ensuring products move most efficiently and cost-effectively. Our reliable supply has enabled us to create a solid platform to have a competitive advantage over other industry suppliers. Our Group is embarking on a new expansion program to strengthen our competitive advantages further. Suppose you are confident to be the best among the talented professionals. In that case, we invite you to energize your future with us.

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, Wakomas Chemical Sdn Bhd’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: Materials
  • Industry group: Materials
  • Industry: Chemicals
  • Sub-Industry: Commodity Chemicals
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Company Address

Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Source : Google maps