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Production Jumper

Salary undisclosed

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This job is expected to be in high demand and may close soon. We’ll remove this job ad once it's closed.

Objective of job
  • Untuk membantu dan menolong Leader & Supervisor dalam menyelia dan menjalankan operai pengeluaran dari segi output, kualiti, keselamatan dan lain-lain keprluan berdasarkan barangan Pengeluaran Dalaman BMW untuk memenuhi keperluan pelanggan Inokom (BMW) , ABA dan spesifikasi Malaysia dan mnecapai Gol DEM Draexlmier.
To support and assists leader and supervisor in oversee and execute production activities in term of output, Quality, Safety and other requirements for the assigned products BMW Production Interior to meet the customer Inokom (BMW), ABA, Malaysia specification and to meet DEM Draxlmaier goals.

Principle activities
  • Untuk membantu dan menolong leader, supervisor dalam menguruskan operasi pengeluaran.
To support and assists the leader, supervisor in managing the production operation.
  • Untuk mengantikan operator yang tidak hadir bekerja.
To replace operator eho is not turn up at work.
  • Memastikan setiap operator memasang barang mengikut work instruction dan Assy Manual.
To ensure that operator works as per the work instruction and Assy Manual.
  • Memastikan operator memasang barang mengikut spek kulaiti dan tidak menhasillkan kerosakkan.
To ensure the operator assembles the goods according to the quality specs and does not produce any reject.
  • Boleh memberi tunjuk ajar, latihan dan bimbingan kepada operator.
Can coach , training and guidance to operators.
  • Mesti tahu di mana untuk Tolak dan Tarik bagi mnecapai Target Output dan buffer.
Must be able to know where to push and pull to support the line output and buffer.
  • Sentiasa memastikan line production berjalan lancer.
To ensure line production running smooth without any problems.
  • Boleh melakukan kerja pembaikan apabila perlu.
To perform reworks and repair when necessary.
  • Mengenal pasti line / station yang perlahan dan mengambil tindakan segera.
To identify which line / station slow and take immediate action to support.
  • Beri maklum balas pada operator tentang situasi output dan isu kualiti.
To provide feedback to operator on the output and quality issues.
  • Memastikan dan memeriksa barang yang disusun atas rak mengikut prosuder (24 slot bin, label, nombor part, warna , nombor sequnce, kanan atau kiri barang)
To ensure and check the parts are arrange per procedure on the rack (24 slot bin, label, part no, color, sequence no, right and left part)
  • Memastikan operasi berjalan mengikut masa yang telah ditetapkan.
Ensure the operaton run based on the cycle time.
  • Merekod semua masalah yang menjejaskan output (pembaikkan, kerosakan, masalah pekerja, masalah barang, masalah pemasangan , peralatan dan lain-lain.)
Record all downtime affecting the output (rework, reject, manpower issuses, part problem, assembly issues, tools and others)
  • Memastikan pintu yang dihantar ke Final Gate QA tanpa sebarang rejects.
To ensure doors are submitted to QA without any issues or rejects.
  • Memastikan operator melakukan pemeriksaan selepas siap kerja.
To ensure the operator re check after assembly.
  • Memasrikan kebersihan berada dalam keadaan baik, kemas dan teratur.
To ensure that 5s in good condition.
  • Membimbing operator melakukan kerja mengikut piawaian yand disediakan oleh pihak syarikat.
Guide operator to assemble according to the standarts provide by the company.
  • Sedia menjalankan sebarang tugasan dan kerja bila dan dimana, dia arah dan di kehendaki oleh pengawai atasan atau ketua Jabatan Pengeluaran.
To execute any task or assignments as and when required by the superior or the HOD.
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