RM 2,500 - RM 4,000 / Per Mon
- List down all the stock history that has been export or import out from the store. 准确的记录所有进出库房的物品。
- Stock take to ensure the amount of inventory is same as the system. 每天执行库存盘点,确保实际库存与系统记录是一致的。
- Ensuring the inventory does not have shortage or excess problem. 监控库存水平,避免库存短缺或过剩的状况。
- Ensuring the amount of item received from the suppliers able to meet its quantity. 接收货物并记录相关数据进入系统。
- Ensuring the item has been collect are well pack and not be damage during the delivery. 准确拣货和打包出货用品。
Storekeeper cum driver (仓库管理员兼送货司机)
- Medical claim included
- Annual and medical leave shall be in accordance with the prevailing Labour Law
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