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HUMAN RESOURCE/ADMINISTRATION Working closely with various departments, increasingly in a consultancy role, assisting line managers to understand and implement policies and procedures. Promoting equality and diversity as part of the culture of the organization. Liaising with a wide range of people involved in policy areas such as staff performance, health and safety. Recruiting staff - this includes developing job descriptions and person, shortlisting, interviewing and selecting candidates. Developing and implementing policies on issues like working conditions, performance management, equal opportunities, disciplinary procedure and absence management. Preparing staff handbooks. Advising on pay and other remuneration issues, including promotion and benefit. Undertaking regular salary reviews. Negotiating with staff and their representatives (for example, trade union officials) on issues relating to pay and conditions. Administering payroll on time. Interpreting and advising on employment law. Upkeep and update new policy and issuing memo. Dealing with grievances and implementing disciplinary procedures. Developing with line managers HR planning strategies which consider immediate and long-term staff requirements. Planning, and sometimes delivering, training - including inductions for new staff. Handling Training & Development schedule and plan. Involved in company audit programme QMS/Safety. Monitor and work closely with Safety/Health Department Others task as and when required. GENERAL/CORPORATE • To find grant or financial loan for company ie. Buying new machines, renovation or etc. • Liaised with Government concerns on Bumiputera companies participating on any program related. • Handle and liased with Government agencies on certificates renewal yearly.