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Availability Status
This job is expected to be in high demand and may close soon. We’ll remove this job ad once it's closed.
Company Description
Filo is the world’s only live instant tutoring app where students are connected with expert tutors in less than 60 seconds for 1-1, interactive video sessions. More than 1.5 million students across 15+ countries are using Filo to make their everyday learning better. Filo has a community of over 50,000 tutors, making it the largest tutor community globally. The company is an emerging youth-oriented e-learning startup on a mission to democratize education and make quality learning accessible worldwide.
Role Description
This is a part-time remote role for a Science IB Teacher at Filo. The Science IB Teacher will be responsible for science education, teaching physics and mathematics concepts, creating lesson plans, and delivering high-quality education to students. The role involves engaging in interactive video sessions with students and providing real-time assistance in the subjects.
- Science Education and Qualified Teacher skills
- Proficiency in Physics and Mathematics
- Experience in lesson planning
- Strong problem-solving and communication skills
- Ability to engage students in interactive learning
- Experience with IB curriculum is a plus
- Bachelor's degree in Education or related field
Job Types: Part-time, Contract
Contract length: 6 months
Pay: RM20.00 - RM50.00 per hour
Expected hours: 18 per week
- Evening shift
- Monday to Friday
- Weekend jobs